Review: SuperStar


SuperStar / Sunday 8 pm

My favourite programme is SuperStar. It's on Markíza. It's on Sunday at about 8 o'clock in the evening. The programme is also broadcast on Czech Nova. 

In SuperStar, four famous singers listen to members of the public sing. Each star decides if they like the person's voice and if they want the person to be part of the following rounds and finally, there is the final, which consists of the best members who know how to sing the best. 

Personally, I love this programme because I like music and I also like reality shows. In my opinion, SuperStar is very amazing because normal people can become famous there who have talent. The contestant who won the finals will be awarded a contract to record music in a music studio and will be rewarded with his own album. It is a great opportunity to go to this programme for anyone who knows how to sing well and wants to make a living from it or do this profession on a professional level.

I would recommend SuperStar to anybody who likes pop music and reality shows. I do not recommend watching this program to people who do not like relity show. As far as I'm concerned, it's one of the best shows I've had.


- Text: ajtu_blog

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